Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Momma Cat bought this cute little doll named Dell from Ebay. Dell is what is known as a Playmates, Hearts for Hearts Doll.  Dell is from America, and she lives in Kentucky.   She very interestingly has one blue eye and one blue/green eye, which adds to her charm, Momma Cat thinks!

Dell from Kentucky

 Momma Cat was accidentally introduced to Hearts for Hearts Dolls when she was trying to find clothing patterns for smaller dolls.  She went onto a website called Pixie Faire
This website has patterns for all different kinds of doll clothes and shoes.  Momma Cat was hooked! But, she also saw pictures of Hearts for Hearts Dolls, and decided she needed to find one to add to her collection.  

Hearts for Hearts Dolls aren't being produced anymore, so they're not that easy to find, and they're not cheap, unless you find them in used condition, usually without their original clothing.  Which, is right up Momma Cat's alley, since she is making doll clothes for sale!  She wants dolls to dress!

Dell has new earrings!

Dell came with a dress, (not original), shoes, and that's about it.  Momma Cat found these little earrings for her down at Hiron's Drugstore in Eugene.  Then she made Dell a pair of underwear, since she was missing those also.  

Finally Momma Cat made Dell a dress out of (you guessed it!) the same pattern she used for her other two small dolls. Even though these dolls are different sizes and have slightly different body types, the dress pattern fits them all equally well!  Who'd have thought that would work?

Here they all are together showing off! Three little beauties!

Dell's dress is cotton, the other two are cotton knit
The poor little things all still need shoes, which Momma Cat will probably end up making herself since shoes for dolls of this size are hard to come by, and they're expensive!!!  But, that's a job for another day!  Momma Cat is tired and needs to sleep!

Goodnight all!  Let me know what you think of my little Dell.

- Momma Cat


  1. Dell is absolutely charming, Kay. I love her eyes, and the smattering of freckles across her nose. She's another beauty in your collection!

  2. Maureen,

    I love her freckles too! It's one of the reasons I wanted to buy her! That, and her eyes! I'm glad you like her!
